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Torgenson Law’s Backpack Drive: Supporting Students and Families

At Torgenson Law, we believe in giving back to our community and supporting those in need. This year, we launched a heartfelt Backpack Drive aimed at making the back-to-school season a little easier for families in our area. We are thrilled to report that our initiative was a resounding success, thanks to the generosity and support of our community.

Over 200 Backpacks Distributed

Our goal was to help reduce the financial burden that school supplies can place on parents. With the average family spending around $700 per child on school supplies, we wanted to reduce some of that stress. Through our Backpack Drive, we distributed over 200 fully stocked backpacks to local schools and organizations.

What’s Inside the Backpacks

Each backpack was filled with essential supplies to ensure that students are well-prepared for their school year. Our backpacks included:

  • Headphones – For a focused and engaging learning experience in a digital world
  • Pencils – A fundamental tools for writing and drawing
  • Crayons and Colored Pencils – To add a splash of color to creativity
  • Notebooks – For taking notes and organizing thoughts
  • Scissors – Essential for art projects and classroom activities
  • Folders – To keep important papers organized

We made sure that each backpack contained everything a student might need, from basic supplies to items that encourage creativity and organization.

Partnering with Local Schools

We were proud to collaborate with the Valley of the Sun YMCA, Copper Basin K-8, and Guerrero Elementary for this distribution. These organizations are major parts of our community, and it was an honor to support their students directly.

A Special Note on Guerrero Elementary

Our Backpack Drive at Guerrero Elementary was especially well-received. Principal Brian expressed his deep gratitude and was incredibly pleased with the impact of our contribution. He is already looking forward to next year’s event and would be super happy if we could coordinate another drive.

A Message of Gratitude

For John Torgenson, the Backpack Drive was more than just being generous, he wanted to give back to the community around him. This initiative represents our appreciation for the community that supports us, and we hope that these backpacks bring a little extra joy and relief to families as they prepare for the new school year. John Torgenson honors the responsibility he has: “As a business owner in downtown Phoenix, I feel as though I have the responsibility to support my community here in downtown Phoenix, and, more broadly, the whole state of Arizona. Partnering with some awesome schools and the YMCA is something that really was rewarding and impactful, and I hope to be able to do it again next year.”

We are very grateful to everyone who contributed to the success of this drive. Your support helped make a meaningful difference, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to support and uplift our community.