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What steps should I take after an accident?


The more accurate and detailed you are able to document your injuries, the more likely you are to be fairly compensated for them. Keep a journal to accurately and specifically detail how your everyday life has been changed or altered as a result of your injuries. Include detailed descriptions of exactly what happened before, during, and after your injury. Also include job performance and wage loss details, emotional well-being, marital relations, and the ways in which your relationship with family and friends has been affected. Keep the personal contact information of any witnesses, as well as a running record of physician treatments and the dates of service for medical consulting.


In securing evidence, your priority should be making sure that every item of physical evidence is preserved. Physical evidence may include broken or faulty equipment, torn clothing, and important documents.

In this regard, be sure to keep or obtain all medical records pertaining to the medical treatment you received as a result of your injury. Take detailed photographs of your injuries and the area where the injury occurred, from all angles, and if possible, under the same type of conditions.


If you were involved in an incident in which a law enforcement officer responded, it is more than likely that a police report was documented and filed. If the incident occurred on a commercial property such as a gym or grocery store, it is also likely that an incident report was generated. It is important to understand that you ARE entitled to receive copies of these documents. While the police and/or incident report may not be admitted into the civil court proceedings, it can lend a hand in attorney negotiations by providing leverage and clarity in your dispute.

How much is my case worth? 

Unfortunately, there is no exact “formula” to determine the value of a claim. However, the primary function of a personal injury lawyer is to evaluate and analyze multiple factors in order to determine the value of your specific case. Those factors include: 

  • The severity of your injury. 
  • The total value of your medical bills and projected costs of future healthcare. 
  • The extent to which your injury has impacted your future. 
  • The amount of expenses incurred as a result of the injury, such as hospital and medical bills, rehabilitation costs, prescription drug costs, lost wages and lost earning capacity. 
  • The physical and emotional pain and suffering you have and are experiencing.
  • The percentage you are found to be at-fault.  

If you have been injured, discuss the facts of your case with an attorney who can assess your damages, find out how much money you may be owed and explain your legal options. 

What should you do if you if you suffer a personal injury?

For many who have been injured, the only resolution to regain financial control of their life is to pursue legal action. If you one day decide to file a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to know the initial steps that need to be taken in order to maintain the integrity of your claim.

Who is the right representation for your claim?

If you or your loved one are injured in an auto accident, slip and fall or any other type of accident finding the right accident lawyer in Arizona to help you with your personal injury legal claim can make all the difference. Dedicated to helping the injured find justice, Torgenson Law Attorneys are exactly what you need.

  • Bilingual staff ready to work with you in English and Spanish
  • Strong ties and connections to the Hispanic community in Arizona
  • Experienced and dedicated to fighting for justice for personal injury
  • Recovered millions of dollars for injured clients
Auto Accidents
Underinsured & Uninsured coverage

If you’ve been in an accident with an uninsured motorist (UM), or you’ve been in a hit-and-run and the driver cannot be located, UM coverage will pay out your medical bills and expenses after the accident. Underinsured motorist coverage will cover the cost of damages when they exceed the responsible party’s limits in liability insurance. This is crucial especially if you have sustained serious injuries from the accident. If you’ve been in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver, it is wise to consult a personal injury lawyer before dealing with the insurance company to make sure you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries.

What about out-of-state car accidents?

Most auto insurance policies offer coverage in all 50 states, so you should be able to file a claim in the state where the accident occured. Individual state laws will apply when it comes to receiving compensation, including their statute of limitations regarding how much time you have after the accident to file the claim. If you’ve been in an out-of-state car accident, consult a personal injury lawyer to make sure you proceed with your claims in the smartest way. If your accident occurred in Arizona, make sure to call Torgenson Law to discuss how we can help you with your case.

What happens if my friend crashes my car?

There are many factors that can determine the outcome of a situation such as this. You can read all about it on our blog.

Should I accept a check from my insurance company after my accident?

We do not recommend accepting a check or signing anything from the insurance company without first consulting a personal injury lawyer.

Is it normal to have neck pain months after my car accident?

Many people tend to experience whiplash after they are involved in a car accident. The pain can last anywhere from a few weeks to many months. It is very important to be seen by a physician immediately after a car accident to make sure that more serious injuries have not been sustained. If the car accident was months ago and you are still experiencing neck pain, schedule an appointment with your physician immediately to make sure there isn’t a more serious injury.

Dog Bites
What are my options if I’ve been seriously injured by a dog bite?

There are over 18,000 dog bite claims per year in the US alone. In Arizona, the dog owner is liable for any injury their dog causes to someone else. You can seek damages for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, mental distress, future medical care, and more. You can read more about this topic in detail on our blog.

Motorcycle Accidents:
What is the difference between an at-fault vs. not-at-fault motorcycle accident?

At-fault issues include excessive speed, failing to yield, not carrying a license or insurance coverage, intoxication, etc. For more information on what to do after you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, check out this blog post.

Personal Injury
How do I win my personal injury case?

In order to have a successful personal injury case, you must be able to prove that the other party is liable for the accident or injuries sustained. This is where the evidence gathered at the scene, police reports and physicians reports will be crucial. Once liability is proven, damages will need to be proven through medical records and bills, expense reports, photographs, witness statements, and more.

I was injured in an accident that was not my fault- what are my legal options?

When you’ve been injured in an accident at no fault of your own, you have a right to seek compensation for:

-Medical expenses, current and future
-Lost wages and future earnings
-Property damage
-Physical and Mental suffering

Working with an experienced personal injury attorney will greatly increase your chances of receiving maximum compensation for the injuries you’ve sustained.

Should I be keeping track of my medical expenses?

Yes, you should keep records of any medical expenses incurred, any days missed from work, repair bills. The more that is recorded, the higher the likelihood of having these expenses recovered. By working with a personal injury attorney, you will be guided through this difficult process one step at a time.

What types of damages can I recover for my injuries?

If you’ve been in an accident that caused injuries, you have a right to file a claim to receive compensation from the responsible party for the injuries you’ve sustained. Your claim can cover the cost of medical expenses, time lost at work, future medical bills, property damage, damage to quality of life, and more.

What does personal injury mean?

The term personal injury refers to a physical or mental injury that one suffers from as a result of another’s negligence. A personal injury case may cover an auto accident, truck or motorcycle accident, medical malpractice, a dog bite, a slip and fall accident, or any other type of accident that results in an injury.

Wrongful Death
What are my legal options if a loved one was killed in an accident?

These are extremely unfortunate and complex cases. Calculating the value of emotional damage can be a difficult thing. However, if a loved one was killed as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may file a claim for wrongful death. You can read more about this topic on our blog.