Celebrating Lola García, 2024 Renee Torgenson Scholar
The Renee Torgenson Memorial Scholarship was named after John Torgenson’s grandmother to honor her wonderful life of selflessness while treating people with honesty, truth, and respect. We here at Torgenson Law are dedicated to the advancement of equality, impartiality, and access to justice for everyone, regardless of their economic situation. As such we decided to award the scholarship to a student who shares our values and strives towards a career of helping others in the same spirit as Grandma Renee Torgenson.
Lola García is the 2024 recipient of the Renee Torgenson Scholarship. Lola is a freshman at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she is pursuing a degree in Economics. Lola has always been driven by a desire to help others, and she is passionate about using math to support non-profit organizations and make a meaningful impact on the communities they serve. Though she is still shaping her career path, we know she will go on to do some amazing things and make the world better by her presence here.
Before arriving at the University of Michigan, Lola attended the Arizona School for the Arts (“ASA”) in downtown Phoenix. There, she excelled both academically and artistically, studying piano, guitar, and choir. Music has been a central part of her life. She has played piano for 12 years and guitar for 6 years, and her love for it even led her to perform with Arizona State University’s mariachi band. At ASA, she took on leadership roles, serving as a lead school ambassador, captain of the varsity cross country team, and co-leader of the school’s social media team.
Lola’s passion for giving back was evident during her high school years, where she volunteered with Hospice of the Valley and the St. Vincent de Paul Dream Center. One of her most memorable experiences came as a member of her school’s Mock Trial team. The team faced significant obstacles, including losing their teacher-coach and being unable to meet on school grounds. Torgenson Law was happy to offer their conference room for the team’s meetings and mock trial practice. Lola and her teammates met with their lawyer-coaches several times a week, ultimately securing a first-place finish in their region and second in the state!
Lola’s hard work and dedication have earned her recognition as a Commended National Merit Scholar and through the National Hispanic Recognition program. Now, at the University of Michigan, she remains committed to her passions. In addition to her studies, she’s part of College Mentors for Kids, where she serves as a positive role model for an elementary school student, helping to get them excited for learning and introducing them to the idea of higher education early on.
“I love my grandma very much and I think of her every day. John continues “I started this law firm in 2010. My Grandma died in 2006 and she impacts every move I make as an attorney and how my firm chooses to treat the human beings we interact with daily. My grandma was kind, loving, accepting, and honest, and I still strive to make her proud of the law firm that is branded with her name.” John says of Lola “I remember when Lola’s mother was pregnant with her. She and some other colleagues from Fennemore were riding with me to go to lunch at Asi Es La Vida. I respect Lola’s mother very much and I was driving 10 miles under the speed limit because I had this amazing woman on board who was pregnant and I wanted to make sure we were safe. Suddenly she looks at me and exclaimed ‘why are you driving so slow!?!?’ And I believe they then made some old man jokes about me. I was embarrassed and laughed it off, so I have always known that Lola was precious cargo and I am really happy that she is the Renee Torgenson Memorial Scholarship recipient for 2024. She deserves it and I cannot wait to see all the good she will do in this world.”
Lola is very grateful for the support from Torgenson Law. She looks forward to continuing her journey with a focus in service, leadership, and community impact. She is honored to be a recipient of the Renee Torgenson Memorial Scholarship and is excited for the future. Lola, we are excited for your future, too!
Go Blue!