The seriousness of a brain injury cannot be overstated. From chronic pain to a decline in cognitive function, from mental and emotional difficulties to life-long changes in the quality of the victim’s life, the effects of a brain injury are far-reaching and often devastating.
Brain injuries happen far too often: according to the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona, the state sees over 66,000 traumatic brain injuries per year, with more than 8,000 of those resulting in hospitalization, and over 1,700 of them proving fatal. If you’re located in Arizona and your brain injury was caused by another party’s negligence or reckless actions, you may be able to file a claim against them and ensure you receive the medical care you need.
Brain injuries can range from mild, such as a mild concussion, to severe, such as a traumatic brain injury that has caused significant cognitive, mental, or emotional damage. According to the CDC, traumatic brain injuries result in disability and death for thousands of people each year, and the CDC defines a traumatic brain injury as a disruption to the normal function of the brain.
A concussion, according to the Mayo Clinic, is a traumatic brain injury that affects brain function, usually resulting from a blow to the head. Physical signs of a concussion can include headaches, ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and fatigue or drowsiness. Amnesia, memory problems, temporary loss of consciousness, dizziness, and confusion are other potential signs. Days, weeks, or even months after the injury, you may feel long-lasting symptoms, such as concentration and memory symptoms, irritability or other personality changes, sleep disturbances, sensitivity to light or noise, and general psychological or cognitive issues.
Brain injuries happen under many different circumstances. For example:
It is very important that you seek medical care as soon as possible after suffering a brain injury. Traumatic brain injuries can bring life-long changes, and if they are not addressed timely, their effects can be exacerbated, resulting in even more potential medical issues. After your brain injury, be sure to get checked out by your doctor or emergency medical professionals, and follow their recommendations for how you might get better.
As a result of a brain injury, you may also incur significant monetary damages. You may need lasting medical care, including medical imaging, testing, and treatment, as well as memory care or nursing care after the accident. You may be unable to go to work, leading to lost wages or income. You may have chronic pain and suffering, and you may not be able to engage in some of the activities you previously enjoyed. The quality of your life may be greatly affected — sometimes, in a long-lasting and severe manner.
In many cases, a brain injury can be attributed to another party’s fault, and you may be able to make a claim for liability and damages. For example, if you’ve suffered a brain injury as a result of a dangerous condition at work, you may be able to recover compensation for your resulting injuries. If another driver caused a car accident that left you with a brain injury, you may have a claim against them. And, if you slipped as a result of a dangerous condition on the premises of another party, such as a business, you may be able to hold the owner of the premises liable.
Generally speaking, to recover damages, you will need to bring a claim for negligence against the responsible parties and their insurance companies. You will need to prove that the other party breached their duty of reasonable care, directly causing your injuries. You will need to prove the elements of both liability — that is, the other party being directly responsible — and damages, which are the monetary losses you have suffered in connection with your injuries.
Because issues of liability and damages can be extremely complex, it is important to consult with an experienced, knowledgeable Arizona brain injury attorney. They will discuss your legal rights and options, and they will strategize with you regarding the next steps to take in your case. They will assess the full value of your damages, which can be a complicated matter in a brain injury case. They will also negotiate on your behalf with the other party and their insurance company, and if a resolution is not possible, they will prepare a strong case on your behalf to present at trial.
If you’ve been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, you don’t have to navigate the legal process alone. Our experienced attorneys are available 24/7 to provide a free consultation and help you pursue the compensation you need.
Suffering a brain injury can result in serious medical issues and changes to your life. While compensation may be available to help you with some of the financial losses that stem from brain injuries, these cases tend to be complex, lengthy, and difficult to handle — especially when you’re up against large insurance companies who tend to have significant legal and financial resources on their side.
At Torgenson Law, our experienced and knowledgeable Arizona brain injury lawyers understand the significant impact of a serious injury on a person and their family, and we want to help you get back on your feet.
We have many years of experience negotiating with insurance companies and will work tirelessly toward a fair and reasonable settlement offer on your behalf. Schedule a free initial consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys today in our Arizona office and see how we can give you the support you deserve.
Get in touch online or give us a call today at 602-726-0747 for a free case evaluation.