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This Terrifying Toy Could Drown Children: Please Beware

July 6, 2015 By John Torgenson

As Arizona personal injury attorneys, we are devoted to staying on top of trends and fads that could affect our clients and potential clients.  For example, after texting became a common form of communication, we alerted our friends and families, preaching driving safety.

Today, we alert our families and friends about “mermaid tails,” a popular new toy for children.

The soaring temperatures and ridiculous energy bills means only one thing: Arizona summer is in full force.  One popular summertime refuge is the swimming pool.  It’s a favorite pastime for children and adults, alike.

Parents must beware of one popular (and terrifying) new swim toy for children: the mermaid tail.  This “mermaid tail” is a synthetic material into which youngsters slide their legs.  The mermaid tail limits a child’s ability to swim because it binds the child’s legs together in the mermaid tail, limiting range of motion.  Even experienced child swimmers struggle to move their legs enough to stay above the water, which is scary.  The mermaid tails also encourage its users to swim underwater to mimic mermaids.  The potential for drowning is frightening.

So frightening that the Canadian city of Edmonton banned these mermaid tails in public pools amid the risk of drowning.   Calgary also placed certain restrictions on mermaid tails in public pools.

Even more frightening are some of the videos circulating on social media.  Please copy and paste the link below into your browser- this video is terrifying.


Aside from the obvious drowning hazards, the mermaid tails can cause injury to other swimmers.  If a child whips the tail around, it could cause cuts and abrasions to nearby swimmers.  If a mermaid tail user feels herself going underwater, she may grab a nearby swimmer for help and endanger his or her life, as well.

Approximately ten people per day die of drowning.  Drowning is one of the highest causes of death, especially during the summertime months.  Young children and inexperienced swimmers are most at risk.  In other words, children that potentially would slide their legs into these mermaid tails are at extreme risk for drowning.

So, what can we do as parents and caretakers of children?

For starters, don’t purchase this item.  Some will say that the mermaid tail acts like a flipper and makes swimming easier.  However, flippers do not bind its users’ legs.  The mermaid tail does.  Even the utmost parental supervision (similar to the video above) can come too late.

Call Torgenson Law to Schedule a Free Consultation

Products liability law is a complex area in Arizona.  If you or someone that you care about is injured by a toy, or any other product, hiring the right personal injury attorney will make all of the difference.  We, at Torgenson Law, have handled similar personal injury cases and would love to help you.

John Torgenson portrait

John Torgenson

John Torgenson is a highly experienced personal injury lawyer with over 20 years of practice in Arizona. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and his Juris Doctor from Notre Dame. John has a proven track record of securing substantial verdicts and settlements, including an $8.25 million recovery for a gunshot injury victim. His expertise has earned him AVVO ratings and recognition as a Super Lawyer.

John is also a sought-after lecturer on personal injury law, sharing his extensive knowledge with peers and aspiring attorneys. Beyond his legal practice, John is an avid golfer and actively supports organizations like the Military Assistance Mission, Arizona School for the Arts, Page Balloon Regatta, University of Arizona Foundation, Junior Achievement of Arizona, and the Tim Huff Pro Bono Golf Classic.

Passionate about advocating for injury victims, John dedicates his career to battling insurance companies and corporate interests, ensuring that the rights of those who are hurt are vigorously defended.